New Acquisitions


Since our foundation moved to Plateforme 10, the 20th-century collection has continued to grow.

Switzerland, Japan, France, USA; tapestry, sculpture, furnishings; wool, cotton, synthetic fibres, metal: Discover here the Fondation’s latest acquisitions

- Contemporary airy creations by the artists Machiko Agano and Verena Brunner,
- Eight 20th-century tapestries by Françoise Ragno, Pierrette Gonseth-Favre, Arthur Jobin and Michel Vouga, on long-term loan from the Collection d’art de la Banque Cantonale Vaudoise (BCV),
- two works by Elsi Giauque, created with Käthi Wenger, illustrating the path from wall to space,
- two abstract embroideries by Lissy Funk,
- a
cover of over 550 reels of steel wire designed by Susan Marie Johnson for the 10th Biennial in 1981,
- an extraordinary two-panel screen by Shigeki Fukumoto, close to the work exhibited at the 7th Biennial in 1975.

Tapestry ?

In 2018, the Fondation Toms Pauli has acquired Trackings, an original work of the American artist Anne Wilson, exhibited at the 14th Lausanne Tapestry Biennal in 1989.

The Fondation Toms Pauli modern tapestry collection has been enriched in 2015 by ten works by the distinguished twentieth-century textile artists: Jagoda Buić, Lia Cook, Pierre Daquin, Sonia Delaunay, Jean Lurçat, Mario Prassinos, Mariette Rousseau-Vermette, and Hideho Tanaka.

Ten works by leading New Tapestry artists from Europe, the USA, Canada and Japan have been added to the Fondation Toms Pauli modern art collection through the generosity of several artists, collectors and private donors.

These works, which include classical tapestries by Jean Lurçat and Mario Prassinos, spectacular compositions by Sonia Delaunay and Pierre Daquin, a late work by Mariette Rousseau-Vermette, and notable pieces from the Lausanne Tapestry Biennials by Jagoda Buić, Lia Cook and Hideho Tanaka, are striking examples of the development of textile art during the second half of the twentieth century. They are also a reminder of the importance of the role of international research laboratory played by the Lausanne Biennials from 1962 to 1995.

The Jean Lurçat tapestry

The Mexico tapestry, acquired by a patron of the arts and donated to the Fondation Toms Pauli in 2013, is a commendable addition to the artist’s existing works in the collection. This very decorative tapestry, woven in the Tabard workshop in Aubusson, is characteristic of Jean Lurçat’s post-war work.

Principal Acquisitions

The Pierre and Marguerite Magnenat Collection

The first editions of the Tapestry Biennials had brought contemporary textile art to the attention of Pierre and Marguerite Magnenat, and by the mid-sixties they had already begun to build a collection of textile artworks. The seventy-six variously formatted pieces of the grouping include tapestries, installations, sculptures, mini-textiles, collages, paintings and drawings, an important part of which comprises works by the Polish artist, Magdalena Abakanowicz.

In 1979, Pierre Magnenat founded the Pierre Pauli Association and remained president until 1999. On his initiative, all the works of the Association’s textile collection were donated to the State of Vaud in 2000. He was a member of the Board of Trustees of the Fondation Toms Pauli from 2000 until his death in 2009.

The Alice Pauli donation

Alice Pauli, recognised for her commitment to artists and for the dynamism she brought to the Lausanne artistic scene for over 50 years, has donated to the Fondation Toms Pauli, since 1999, a number of tapestries from her personal collection. In 2012, she made a gift of an ensemble of twenty-two works to the Fondation Toms Pauli, as a token of her support for the project of a new museum hub which will include the Fondation Toms Pauli.

This donation groups major names in twentieth-century textile art – Abakanowicz, Buić, Hicks, Lurçat, Łaszkiewicz and Rousseau-Vermette – and has enabled the Fondation Toms Pauli to constitute one of the most important collections of the works of Magdalena Abakanowicz and Jagoda Buić, the two international artists who reinvented tapestry art and courageously inserted it into the mainstream of modern art.

Alice Pauli, owner of the Galerie Alice Pauli since 1962, worked together with her husband Pierre Pauli and the artist Jean Lurçat to set up the CITAM and the Lausanne International Tapestry Biennials.

Works of Elsi Giauque

In 2007, the Fondation Toms Pauli acquired three representative works of this important artist who pioneered the New Tapestry movement in Switzerland. Elsi Giauque started focusing on transparency in 1945, working with exposed warp threads which produced subtle variations in colour and geometric forms in space. The Fondation Toms Pauli also purchased two of the five Feminist elements presented at the 1977 8th Tapestry Biennial.

Embroidered pictures by Lissy Funk

In 2005, thanks to the generosity of the inheritors of the Zurich artist Lissy Funk (1909-2005), the Fondation Toms Pauli could add eleven of her works to its collection.

Although Lissy Funk never abandoned her loyalty to wall hangings, her works can hardly be called tapestries. They are not weavings, but needle embroideries on a support material. This artist’s works, some of which are strikingly large considering the technique, create a strong impact with their intense and subtle palette of colours, the complexity of their composition, and the richness of their texture.

Verena Brunner, Sich seinem andern Gesicht überlassen, 1981, inv FTP218
Susan Marie Johnson,
Floor Cover, 1981, inv FTP215 (détail)
Shigeki Fukumoto, Shichisai-Fu Ten, 1986, inv FTP214
Anne Wilson, Trackings, 1988, inv FTP209
Chambre Abakanowicz, maison Magnenat
Jean Lurçat, Mexico, 1954, inv. FTP189
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